Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas! A Look Back at the Last Few Months

Yep, it's been a long time since I posted...again.  Life has been BUSY!  Here is what we've been up to since September.

We spent time visiting Mary's grandparents.

Daddy took a trip to Bulgaria.  We surprised him at the airport when he came home.

The kids continued to play soccer.

Grandpa and Grandma Voogt visited.

We celebrated Grandpa and Grandma Holleboom's anniversary in Frankenmouth.

We decorated pumpkins.

Daddy got a new drum set.

The kids went trick-or-treating.

We saw Veggie Tales Live.

We found out Abram has food allergies.

We went to Daddy's orchestra concert.

Daddy went to India.

We celebrated Thanksgiving at home and with Mary's grandparents.

We found out Rebecca has animal and environmental allergies.

We celebrated Christmas as a family.

Now it's off to see all of our relatives.  God has truly blessed us this year.  We have so much to be thankful for.  May the peace of God be with you now and in the year to come.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Summer 2013...A Long Overdue Update

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted any updates here.  Needless to say life has been busy.  Our summer was quite eventful in both good and bad ways.  It's hard to capture 3 months in one post.  So I'll just do a few photos and highlights from our summer.

At the end of May Rebecca graduated from preschool.  She had so much fun and was sad to say goodbye to her maestras and amigos.

In June we went to a Whitecaps game.  Rebecca had cheerleading camp.  We did lots of strawberry picking.  And we celebrated Uncle Kevin and Aunt Haylee's wedding.  Rebecca was the flower girl.  Justin was a groomsman.

In July we went to the 4th of July parade.  Rebecca had soccer camp.  We visited cousins.  We went to WI to visit Grandpa and Grandma Voogt's farm and celebrate again with Uncle Kevin and Aunt Haylee.  We went cherry picking.  And we had our only trip to the beach of the summer.

In August Rebecca lost a couple teeth.  We went to Michigan's Adventure.  We went blueberry picking.  Rebecca went to dance/gymnastics camp.  We had our house painted.  And we visited Great Grandpa and Great Grandma's farm.

So far in September Rebecca has started kindergarten.  She has lost yet another tooth (#5!!).  Rebecca has started dance class at Kathy's Dance.  Both kids have started another semester of Kindermusik with Miss Lynette.  And Abram has started toddler preschool at home.

That is a portion of what we've been up to since mid-May.  Hopefully I'll get better about updating our page more often.  This month both kids are looking forward to starting soccer class.  Rebecca is excited for Grandparents Day at school.  The kids and I will be starting MomBreak this week.  I am now the speaker coordinator so we'll be more involved.  And Justin will be taking a trip to Bulgaria.  Life is never dull around here.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Abram is 2!!!

How did our little guy get so big?  Last week he turned 2!  Abram is our smart, silly, healthy big boy.
He had his 2-year check up this week.  As we expected he is exceeding all of his milestones.  His growth is pretty steady too.  He now weighs 26.25 lbs. (25th - 50th%) and is 33.5" tall (25th%).  So far it's hard to tell who the kids take after.  Seems to be Mom for weight and Dad for height.  Although Rebecca needs to do some catching up on weight at age 5 :P  And both kids were almost the exact same size at this age.  Regardless, we don't expect our kids to be very big.  Check it out.


Abram: 24 lbs. 5 oz., 31.75 in.
Rebecca: 24 lbs. 12 oz., 31.75 in.
Mary: 24 lbs. 8 oz., 33 in. (estimated...don't have exact 18m stats)
Justin: 22 lbs. 8 oz., 31.5 in.


Abram: 26.25 lbs., 33.5 in.
Rebecca: 27 lbs., 33.5 in.
Mary: 26.75 lbs., 33.25 in.
Justin: 24 lbs., 10 oz., 33.25 in. (estimated...don't have exact 2 year stats)

5 YEARS (just for fun)

Rebecca: 38.5 lbs., 41.5 in.
Mary: 40.75 lbs., 42.75 in.
(no stats for Justin after 2 1/2 years)

Abram is still very active.  He asks to eat the moment he wakes up.  He scarfs down some food and is off and running.  He'd be fed, dressed and outside digging in the sand by 7:30am every day if we let him (or if his sister would cooperate...she moves a tad bit slower in the morning :P).

Abram likes to climb, play with trucks, make noises, dance and sing.  He also LOVES to do whatever his big sister is doing.  If she's playing dress up, he has to have the pink skirt.  If she's playing with dolls, his baby needs a stroller, a bed and a bottle and he takes it for a walk.  If she's playing with Legos,  he has to build.  If she's doing crafts, he needs crayons and paper.

One of Abram's recent favorite activities is reading!  He will pick out book after book and sit through reading the whole book.  Now it's a fight between Rebecca and Abram over which book Mommy will read.  It's a race to the bookshelf to see who can pick one out first.  We have to take turns between toddler books and 3rd grade books :P  Thankfully they both seem to enjoy them both...and everything in between.

When we play outside Abram usually wants to do one of two things - play in the sand or play in the water.  We're trying to do a lot of both.

Abram is speaking quite well now.  He says 4 and 5 word sentences and can carry on a conversation.  He is also learning to count (he's up to 5 and working on 10).  We're working on ABCs.  He knows a few of his colors too.  His favorites are orange, green and blue.
For Abram's birthday last week we had a simple celebration at home as a family.  We ate at Rebecca's Rainbow and had homemade macaroni and cheese, roasted cauliflower and Brussels sprouts and peaches and pears.  The kids got chocolate milk too.  Then we opened gifts and had cake and ice cream.

Abram thoroughly enjoyed opening his gifts this year and has been playing with all of them.  It was kind of fun that he got them for various family members at different times.  It was like having a birthday week (or month since he got some around Rebecca's birthday).  We are very blessed to have such a generous family.

Life is never dull with our silly little guy.  He's independent, cuddly, rough, tough and cute.  We praise God for our big boy.