Friday, May 8, 2009

Farm and Family

Yesterday Rebecca and Mary took a trip to the farm in the afternoon to see Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Van and Uncle Kevin, Aunt Sara and Carson. Carson and Rebecca had fun playing with Great Grandma's box of toys. Then we went outside to explore the farm. Rebecca and Carson tried out the lawn mowers and tractors. And we all went on a little tour of the farm/greenhouses. It's definitely not the farm we grew up knowing, but at least the crick was still there. And Rebecca got to "quack" at all the geese :)

After visiting the farm Kevin, Sara and Carson came to our house to visit some more. We got take out from Qdoba for dinner. And Rebecca opened her birthday presents. Such cute stuff!! New jammies and clothes and toys. Thanks guys! It was fun to see Rebecca and Carson finally starting to interact a bit. Although Rebecca seemed a little more interested in playing with Carson...he thought she was a bit of a bother :p They shared some toys and played dueling piano :)

We had so much fun seeing everyone yesterday! Rebecca just loved playing with Carson and her aunt and uncle. She's definitely getting over her stranger anxiety. Mary and Rebecca are hoping to see Sara and Carson again on the 22nd at the MSU Children's Garden, while Justin is in DC. And then again on the 30th at Potter Park Zoo.

Tomorrow Grandpa and Grandma Voogt and Uncle Ryan and Aunt Shannon will be visiting. We're looking forward to celebrating Rebecca's birthday with them.

There are new pictures of our farm visit in the May folder.